[1] 景运革: An incremental attribute reduction method for dynamic data mining, Information Sciences, 2019 (SCI)
[2] 王宝丽: Deviation Degree: A Perspective on Score Functions in Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2019 (SCI)
[3]杨莹: Robustness of Λ-entanglement of multipartite states, Quantum Information Processing 2019 (SCI)
[4] 杨莹: Approximating ground states by neural network quantum states, Entropy, 2019 (SCI)
[5] 孙国伟: Stability analysis of a two-patch competition model with dispersal delay, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019(SCI)
[6] 解瑞金: 基于GEEWM模型的智慧政务建设绩效评估研究.运城学院学报,2019.
[7] 侯文涛: 基于指数平滑模型的丙型肝炎发病率的预测分析.运城学院学报,2019.
[1]王宝丽: A Novel Preference Measure for Multi-Granularity Probabilistic Linguistic Term Sets and its Applications in Large-Scale Group Decision-Making, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2020 (SCI)
[2] 张雷: An image inpainting method for object removal based on difference degree constraint, Multimedia Tools and Applications 2020 (SCI)
[3] 任燕: A Signature Scheme on p2−dimensional Quantum System, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2020 (SCI)
[4] 张雷: Image restoration based on sparse representation using feature classification learning, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2020 (SCI)
[5] 任燕: A Novel Authentication Scheme Based on Edge Computing for Blockchain-based Distributed Energy Trading System, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020 (SCI)
[6] 孙国伟: Stability switches in a ring-structured predator–prey metapopulation model with dispersal delay, Advance in Difference Equations, 2020 (SCI)
[7] 任燕: On Design of Single-Layer and Multilayer Code-Based Linkable Ring Signatures, IEEE Access 2020 (SCI)
[8] 张雷: Image Inpainting for Object Removal Based on Adaptive Two-Round Search Strategy, IEEE Access 2020 (SCI)
[9] 关海鹏: View-Based 3D Model Retrieval by Joint Subgraph Learning and Matching, IEEE Access, 2020 (SCI)
[10] 关海鹏: 基于最优网损的配电网重构.运城学院学报,2020.
[11] 王宝丽: 信息表中约简补集对及其一般定义.南京大学学报(自然科学),2020.
[12] 景运革: 属性值和属性变化的增量属性约简算法.山东大学学报(理学版),2020.
[13] 解瑞金: 基于灰色评价模型的山西省城市文化旅游业竞争力评价.数学的实践与认识,2020.
[14] 侯文涛: 武汉市2019-nCoV新型冠状肺炎预测模型分析.运城学院学报,2020.
[1] 关海鹏: 集成局部和全局特征的舰船图像检索算法.舰船科学技术,2021.
[2] 侯文涛: SARIMA模型与Holt-Winters模型在丙型肝炎发病率预测中的应用.数学的实践与认识,2021.
[3] 杨晓敏: EPS FB完成后无法快速返回5G的对策研究.通信技术,2021.
[1] 景运革: An incremental attribute reduction method for dynamic data mining, Information Sciences, 2019 (SCI)
[2] 王宝丽: Deviation Degree: A Perspective on Score Functions in Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2019 (SCI)
[3]杨莹: Robustness of Λ-entanglement of multipartite states, Quantum Information Processing 2019 (SCI)
[4] 杨莹: Approximating ground states by neural network quantum states, Entropy, 2019 (SCI)
[5] 孙国伟: Stability analysis of a two-patch competition model with dispersal delay, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019(SCI)
[6] 解瑞金: 基于GEEWM模型的智慧政务建设绩效评估研究.运城学院学报,2019.
[7] 侯文涛: 基于指数平滑模型的丙型肝炎发病率的预测分析.运城学院学报,2019.
[1]王宝丽: A Novel Preference Measure for Multi-Granularity Probabilistic Linguistic Term Sets and its Applications in Large-Scale Group Decision-Making, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2020 (SCI)
[2] 张雷: An image inpainting method for object removal based on difference degree constraint, Multimedia Tools and Applications 2020 (SCI)
[3] 任燕: A Signature Scheme on p2−dimensional Quantum System, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2020 (SCI)
[4] 张雷: Image restoration based on sparse representation using feature classification learning, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2020 (SCI)
[5] 任燕: A Novel Authentication Scheme Based on Edge Computing for Blockchain-based Distributed Energy Trading System, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020 (SCI)
[6] 孙国伟: Stability switches in a ring-structured predator–prey metapopulation model with dispersal delay, Advance in Difference Equations, 2020 (SCI)
[7] 任燕: On Design of Single-Layer and Multilayer Code-Based Linkable Ring Signatures, IEEE Access 2020 (SCI)
[8] 张雷: Image Inpainting for Object Removal Based on Adaptive Two-Round Search Strategy, IEEE Access 2020 (SCI)
[9] 关海鹏: View-Based 3D Model Retrieval by Joint Subgraph Learning and Matching, IEEE Access, 2020 (SCI)
[10] 关海鹏: 基于最优网损的配电网重构.运城学院学报,2020.
[11] 王宝丽: 信息表中约简补集对及其一般定义.南京大学学报(自然科学),2020.
[12] 景运革: 属性值和属性变化的增量属性约简算法.山东大学学报(理学版),2020.
[13] 解瑞金: 基于灰色评价模型的山西省城市文化旅游业竞争力评价.数学的实践与认识,2020.
[14] 侯文涛: 武汉市2019-nCoV新型冠状肺炎预测模型分析.运城学院学报,2020.
[1] 关海鹏: 集成局部和全局特征的舰船图像检索算法.舰船科学技术,2021.
[2] 侯文涛: SARIMA模型与Holt-Winters模型在丙型肝炎发病率预测中的应用.数学的实践与认识,2021.
[3] 杨晓敏: EPS FB完成后无法快速返回5G的对策研究.通信技术,2021.